Less Pain, More Life!
Columbia Heights location:
Currently, online booking is unavailable.
Email or text with an appointment request for Tuesday and Thursday day/evening times. (763-442-5103/jrlivewell@gmail.com)
Healthwise Chiropractic Saint Anthony location:
Online booking available for Monday and Wednesday appointments (click the button on the homepage) or contact me directly (763-442-5103/jrlivewell@gmail.com)
1 hour $80
package of 4 $280 ($70 per massage)
1.5 hour massage $110
package of 4 $400 ($100 per massage)
30 minute $48
45 minute $60
Lymph Drainage massage $20 add on
Raindrop treatment $20 add on
(for immune system, energy boost and to help manage chronic pain using Young Living essential oils)
Hot stones $20 add on
Hot wax $10 add on
Pregnancy massage cushions - no extra charge; just ask!
Specialized aromatherapy available upon request.